Our invitation is for parents and young children to participate in our program called 'Strait Start'.
Children attending the Strait Start programs are between the ages of 3 months and 4 years of age.
Strait Start is
designed to provide access to families of young children to a prepared learning
environment that encourages natural learning processes. Each Strait Start service is
delivered by a Coordinator, whose role is to directly engage with families of
young children to develop their confidence, skills and capacity to create the
best conditions for children’s development.
Following Strait Start, children then take their first step into formal schooling in Kindergarten, enabling them access to a 14 year seamless education journey with Tagai State College.
This journey through early, middle and senior phases of learning will lead into further education or employment.
While these stages have their unique features, as a College, we can ensure the curriculum flows and spirals towards one destination – all our students completing Year 12 with the skills and knowledge necessary to continue on their learning journey or to begin employment of their choice.
While our context is spectacularly unique, our charter is not. Whilst we acknowledge and celebrate our context through targeted traditional language and culture instruction, we commit to quality teaching and learning based on the Australian Curriulum, including assessment and reporting standards that could be found in any other Queensland school.
Tagai State College’s signature pedagogy is Explicit Instruction and the model that is used throughout the college is based on the work of Dr Anita Archer and her colleague, Dr Charles Hughes.