Kindy, also known as State Delivered Kindergarten (SDK) is the first non-compulsory year of school we offer. Our Kindy is a part-time program and has a defined curriculum. Children attend only 15 hours per week.
Children must be at least 4 by 30 June in the year they enrol for Kindy.
The following outlines how to register your child into Kindergarten at Tagai State College.
Step 1: Complete a Kindergarten Registration Package, available from your campus or the kindy enrolment link below.
Step 2: Provide copies of your child's birth certificate (or hospital birth records in place of a birth certificate), immunisation history statement, medical management plan (if required) and any custody and access orders issued by the Family Court.
Step 3: Submit documents to the Tagai State College campus office.
Step 4: If required, a discussion may occur between college staff and families prior to registration into Kindergarten.
Step 5: Parent/s will be contacted within one week by college staff.
Kindy enrolment form link
Prep to Year 12
New enrolments are accepted at our school at any time of the year and we look forward to welcoming new enrolments to our school community. Children must be at least 5 by 30 June in the year they enrol for Prep.
The following outlines the general process for enrolment in Tagai State College.
Step 1: Complete a Tagai State College Enrolment Package for your campus on the enrolment form link below.
Step 2: Provide copies of your child's birth certificate and any custody and access orders issued by the Family Court.
Step 3: Submit documents to the Tagai State College campus office.
Step 4: If required, further information is collected by the Deputy Principal or Head of Campus to inform eligibility/appropriateness of enrolment a meeting between parent/s and the Deputy Principal or Head of Campus may be requested.
Step 5: Parent/s contacted within one week of enrolment by college staff.
Prep to Year 12 Enrolment form link
Year 7 EXCEL Scholarship
Tagai State College Secondary Campus is pleased to invite new enrolments for high achieving students in Year 7 2024 to join our new EXCEL Scholarship Class. The EXCEL Class is designed to challenge, nurture and develop students with outstanding academic ability. Entry to this program is by application only. The EXCEL class is named to reference our school motto, and desired learning culture, “Strive to Excel".
Features of the EXCEL Scholarship Class include:
- A strong emphasis on achieving high academic results;
- Engagement with similar minded and driven students with a focus on higher order thinking skills, self-regulation and developing strong study skills towards meaningful senior pathways;
- Emphasis on developing organisation, resilience, innovation, leadership, teamwork and strong communication skills;
- Targeted digital technology skills (EXCEL students are issued a personal school lap top);
- An expectation to participate in school life and represent the school within the community, through involvement in one or more of the following areas:
Student Representative Council, Sports, Arts, Leadership opportunities, JT Academy, Community programs, Inter-school competitions; etc. - Requirement for students to maintain their high standard in academics, behaviour and effort in order to remain in the EXCEL Class. Academic results will be reviewed every semester and class compositions adjusted accordingly.
Selection to participate in the EXCEL Class will be based on:
- Evidence of high levels of academic achievement in core subjects.
- Evidence of consistently high standards of behaviour and effort in all subjects.
- Performance in NAPLAN literacy and numeracy testing.
Recipients of the EXCEL Scholarship receive:
- A personal laptop to use during school and at home
- A uniform pack
- A trip to Cairns JCU in Grade 8 (students must remain the EXCEL class to attend)