
Mabuyag Island - Mabuygiw Ngurpay Lag


Head of Campus: Tanya McGaughey

Phone: (07) 4069 4198 | Fax: (07) 4090 0347


Campus enrolment: 53 students

What we offer

Mabuygiw Ngurpay Lag is one of 17 campuses of Tagai State College. Like all campuses of Tagai State College, we strive to provide world class education that will equip children for the future and lay a foundation for lifelong learning in a global society. Mabuygiw Ngurpay Lag is a Band 6 (Level 2) campus which caters for enrolments up to 65 students. We offer Kindergarten and Primary classes from Prep to Year 6. There is no school at Mabuyag Island for Year 7 to 12 students.

Our Kindergarten program is play-based and is guided by Foundations for Success, the National Quality Framework and Being, Belonging, Becoming documents.

Mabuygiw Ngurpay Lag uses appropriate research-based pedagogical frameworks such as Tagai’s signature pedagogy, Explicit Teaching, Direct Instruction, BIDBIU (Break it down, build it up) and inquiry based education to assist with delivering and differentiating learning for individual students and their need to equitably access learning and assessment.

Our Primary curriculum programs are aligned to ACARA (Australian National Curriculum) standards: C2C Year 4-6 Mathematics & Spelling, C2C History & Geography, Primary Connection Science, Language for Learning (L4L) English, Big Write Program, ACARA English and Mathematic units, RoleM Mathematics Program for Preps to Year 3, and QCAR The Arts & Technology programs. Our Direct Instruction programs include Spelling Mastery and Cars & Stars.

Our school offers Language and Culture, where our students learn Mabuyag Island's traditional language and the cultural protocols and expectations.

The Bible, Mabuyag Island cultural protocols and expectations as well as departmental Standards of Practice and Code of Conduct uphold the Christian and ‘gud paisan’ ethos that underlies the expected YUMI culture and systems of our campus. Our Restorative Practices approach to relationships acknowledges that healthy relationships are vital for our lives, our learning, and our school community. Our aim is for students to develop a sense of responsibility for their own behaviour and an understanding of how the way in which they treat others has consequences that can either enhance or harm relationships.

Mabuyag Island parents and community state that the Year 6 graduating students must: possess academic and student skills; be of good Christian character; as well as, display Mabuyag Island cultural pride.

History of education on Mabuyag Island

Parents and Community remain as first educators to the children of Mabuyag Island from time immemorial.

1872  Reverend A W Murray and William Wyatt Gill were the first LMS missionaries to visit Mabuyag in 1872. A mission settlement was established at Dabangai in the south east corner of Mabuiag. Two South Sea Islanders from Lifu, Waunaia and Gutacene were appointed as the first missionary teachers at Mabuyag.

1877   In 1877, the mission settlement on Mabuyag was moved from Dabangai to Bau [Baawa] to improve access to the island’s supply of fresh water. Over time Bau became the administrative and residential centre of Mabuyag.

1985   Mabuyag Island State School was established on 29/01/1985. Locals can remember carrying school and classroom equipment from the old school site near the airport strip to the now site.

2007   Mabuiag Island State School is amalgamated with 16 other schools in the Torres Strait to form Tagai State College. Mabuiag Island State School was known as Mabuiag Island Campus as of 1/01/2007.   In the Torres Strait, Mabuiag Island Campus is more familiarly known as Mabuygiw Ngurpay Lag.


Mabuyag Island (also spelt Mabuiag), together with nearby Badu Island and Moa Island, make up the west-central group of Torres Strait islands.

Mabuyag Island features mounds of basaltic rocks, lightly vegetated and mostly well-watered. Like its closest neighbours (Moa and Badu Islands), Mabuyag is part of the old submerged land bridge that once connected Cape York to Papua New Guinea.

The dialect spoken on Mabuyag is the Mabuyag dialect which is a part of the Kala Lagaw Ya (KLY) traditional language.  ​

Community Snapshot

Population:            260*

Cluster:                   Near Western Islands

English Name:      Jervis Island

*Source: 2011 ABS Census

Walking down to St Mary's, outside of teacher residence St Mary's Excursion St Mary's Excursion St Mary's Excursion Rayden Puri Class Principal residence and Kindy at Mabuiag Island Pre-Preps outside of the two original teacher accomodation buildings 2016 Ms Lily and Ms Dulcie with Puri Class Ms Grace, our Admin Officer Ms Annie Whap, our Goeynaw class teacher. Mrs Nessa Stevens Mr Dan, our GSW Mabuiag Island Teacher accomodation Mabuiag Island Campus 2016 Gugu girls DSCF2366 2016-01-27-10.41.30
Last reviewed 11 June 2024
Last updated 11 June 2024